Sunday, April 28, 2013

ER Visit #2

Nursemaid's Elbow!
The only thing I can say about this (and I hope I am not jinxing me or the family) is that we have only been to the ER twice, and both for fairly odd occurances.  The first visit was when Wesley contracted "Hand, Foot and Mouth" which if you look back at photos was horrendous.  He looked pathetic and probably felt as bad.
The second visit was for an issue that I CAUSED and could not have felt worse about.  I picked Wesley up from daycare and unlike most days where I have to beg him to leave, this day he came over and put his arms up asking to be picked up.  I grabbed his hands, he put his little hands around my thumbs and I pulled him up to me.  I heard him whimper and then looked at Sheila and said, "I think I just hurt him".  She grabbed him (under his arms) and assured me he was fine.  We got out to the car and when I put him in his car seat, he whimpered/cried again.  He would not move his left arm.  We got home and the same thing happened when I got him out of the carseat.  By this point, I knew something was wrong.  He laid on my shoulder and would not move his arm.  It was limp and laying down by his side.  I called Chris frantically and told him that "I had hurt Wesley" and that we needed to go to the ER.  Luckily he was in the driveway when I called so we quickly agreed that Wesley needed to be seen and got back in the car.  I rode in the back seat all the way to Children's Hospital of the King's Daughters in Norfolk.  While I am so grateful for this hospital, our need was not really deserving of an ER visit--I really wish we had an Urgent Care for Pediatrics.  The waiting room was full to say the least and unfortunately, we were probably the only ones there who were insured!  Very sad scene.  There were some very nice people waiting including a family who was from Belgium-we think the father worked for NATO as he was in uniform.  They asked why we were there and then in a very nice way chuckled--the mom with her broken english called it "Sunday Arm".  She said it was "what parents do on Sunday, grab a hold of their children on each side and swing them on a Sunday afternoon" it is very common!  I appreciated her diagnosis as it made me feel much better and that I might not be questioned for child abuse!  Anyway, we didn't have to wait too long and when we got back to the room, Wesley seemed to be doing better.  He still wasn't using his arm at all, it was still limp by his side but he was moving around a bit. The doctor finally came in and without even looking at Wesley, told us what was wrong.  It is called "Nursemaid's Elbow" and is apparently very common in little ones.  The tendon that is around his elbow pops off to the side (don't quote my medical description) but basically prevented Wesley from moving his arm.  It sounded a lot like a dislocation but far less severe.  Anyway, as she was talking to us and telling us how Wesley would be in pain for only a minute while she "popped" it back in, we turned around and he had started using his arm!  Little scoundrel somehow figured out how to fix his own arm--which was great.  We were not looking forward to the doctor having to do it nor did we want Wesley to be in pain. So, we spent the evening in the ER for almost no reason.  There is no doubt in my mind that we did the right thing but I have to chuckle that this is how it was resolved.  Wesley must have a 6th sense!
So...with all of that being said, the video below is probably concerning!  I took this video on Feb. 20th which is about a month prior to our ER visit.  Needless to say, Wesley will not get to enjoy the jumping up and down he did with his Daddy like this again.  Children grow out of this "nursemaid elbow" around 3 but the doctor said the age is 3 mostly b/c parents stop picking up their kids like this because they are too heavy! 
This video is so fun, though.  The kind of laughter that is contagious and makes you smile! 

Until Next Time, Costa Rica!!!

We'll Be Back!!!
This trip was awesome!  We really didn't seek out Costa Rica.  The "Hilton" points determined where we would go on this vacation.  We were very, very pleased with our decision.  The all inclusive feature was not really something we were looking for-in fact we were a little nervous about it.  Turns out it was great.  We knew we wouldn't be venturing too far and if so, it wouldn't be simple with Wesley in a 2nd world country so this worked out really well.  I guess I have/had a bad assumption about 24 hour, all you can eat types of places and the people that go along with them....this was not the case here.  We realized when we got home that we ate 3 meals a day and never once ordered food or snacks between meals!  We didn't overindulge at the meals either...I did partake in dessert each night but what the heck, I was on vacation!  We even gave in to the "Howler Monkey" frozen drink a couple of times.  Besides fresh bananas and rum, I am not sure what else was in it but they were certainly yummy.  The "all inclusive" wasn't what we expected but in a good way.  There were plenty of restaurants to have variety and all were good.  I think we would give the all inclusive a go again, but would normally prefer to get out and "do as the locals do".  With Wesley, this was perfect and that is something we would consider again with a little one. 
Wesley seemed to enjoy himself on the vacation as well.  He loved the pool the most.  He never got used to the beach enough to enjoy it but it wasn't without trying.  The sand was so hot and we didn't have the proper shoes for him so not his fault! 
We did learn that Wesley loves Ketchup while on this trip.   The kids menu was the same at all the restaurants but even with 6 nights, he had a variety.  He had french fries several times and eventually started dipping just his fingers in the ketchup, without the fry!
On the last day, we had one more great breakfast, said goodbye to our Canadian friends, our lovely friends from CT/Netherlands and then headed back to finish packing.  We were greeted by Alonzo, one of our favorites who made sure we met our transport.  The airport was a ZOO!!  We were so lucky and grateful for a porter to notice Wesley (or a young child).  He gave us some preferential treatment and we found ourselves at the front of the huge line to check in!  We gained time in the airport and were able to have one last sit-down lunch.  We had a long day ahead of us and wouldn't really get much else in the form of meals so this was great. 
Wesley did pretty well on the flights.  The second and last flight out of Atlanta to home was supposed to leave at 9 which was late anyway but then we got delayed.  There was actually a felon being escorted by important looking people that boarded ahead of us.  They started to board us and then made us leave the was a mess and needless to say, Wesley was also.  Once we took off, he finally fell asleep after a bit of crying and basically slept until we landed.  Overall, he was a great traveler.  I learned a bit about what we can do to make him a bit more comfortable and what may/may not work better next time.  For the first time, I think he did great! 
Now we are trying to think of where we want to go next! (Chris has switched his travel benefits to Marriott-they have a lot more properties in more desirable areas plus, we will make my little brother proud.  He is a GM for the Marriott in Richmond!)
Last day...happy boys!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the 4-wheeler!

The view down the cove.

Wesley never "loved" walking in the sand.

Here he is "dancing" so he doesn't get his feet dirty!
All Cleaned Up---Ready to Go Home!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Going Backwards---Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day 2013

So it is more than obvious that I am way behind in posting...I got carried away with our trip to Costa Rica (thankfully) and as a result, skipped a few things.  I still have the last day of that vacation to post but luckily I keep written notes of what I "should" be posting to the blog and just haven't gotten around to getting on the computer.  I hope to get caught up soon.  One reason for my delay is the learning curve on uploading vidoes.  Hopefully I have figured it out and this will work!

My family has always had a "Valentine Lady" much like a Santa Claus.  She comes each year on Valentine's Day morning and still visits us, but now it is via the US postal service!  This year Wesley received a Dancing Dog.  It dances to a Justin Beiber song (did not know that until I read the tag but I am learning!).  Anyway, he loves it and really loves dancing to/with his dog!  (Thank you Mimi & Pops-aka The Valentine Lady)

Wesley was also so spoiled to receive a special Valentine gift from his favorite babysitter-Kenzie.  She loves Wesley so much that she gave him a new stuffed animal he is "loving" his friend and his present.


 Valentine's Day is a big deal at Mrs. Sheila's house...this was Daddy's idea and was a big hit!  I found small maracas and put the kids names on each one with a tag..."you ma-rock-a my world".  They loved them! 

This is my "red" Valentine outfit for the day!