Friday, June 29, 2012

The Biggest Bathtub Ever!

The Pool At Last!!!

We have not had an extremely warm summer to date (until today, it is currently in the high 90s) so our pool has not been all that inviting.  Couple that with a late opening and that is our excuse for not having introduced Wesely until now.  Right after my sister's visit, the weather warmed up and so did the pool water.  We took Wesley for a swim and he LOVED it!  His favorite thing to do is SPLASH!  He doesn't care who gets wet including himself and his face, he just likes to make noise and throw water!  His favorite spot is on the stairs if you hold him facing out so he has a huge canvas of water to throw his arms about.  He has gotten his put his face in a few times but we haven't really gone "under".  We'll get steps!

He has a float as you can see but doesn't really LOVE it.  I think he is still a bit small for it and it offers some wiggle room and isn't as secure as if we are holding him.  With a little more growth I am sure he will learn to enjoy it. 

The best part of the pool is that he gets to have a bath afterwards.  We have challenges with Wesley in the tub because he splashes there too, and he is a wiggle-worm.  Our latest solution if we are coming from the pool is to join him!  Why not! 

Starting to get my "splash" on!

I find the TAG on EVERYTHING!!!!

My favorite spot so I can splash, splash, splash!!

Rub a Dub, Dub...two KIDS in a tub!

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