Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Droolin' Fool!

My Teeth Are Coming In!!

As a new mom I tend to read more than is probably necessary on the internet.  I have read my fair share of books as well but my point is that it is amazing how a baby's development can be predicted or expected at such exact time periods.  I feel like I will read about something that should be occurring at a certain age and the very next day, we are experiencing it because Wesley has turned that age.  Teeth are a great example.  Right on time, the 6 month mark!  Wesley never complained or had the obvious signs with the exception of the drooling.  He is a little faucet when it comes to drool but we didn't quite put it all together.  I assumed there would be a lot more fussiness prior to the teeth popping through the gum.  In all honesty, we noticed the bottom two teeth after they were already poking through a bit.  Fingers crossed that the rest will come in without incidence but not sure we could be so lucky!  More to come, right now we have just the bottom two and they aren't always easy to see.  Wesley will gladly chomp on your finger to let you know he has them and boy does it hurt!

I took this picture of the few that show his teeth.

For other milestones, Wesley is sitting up very well on his own.  He is rolling over like crazy except he often gets stuck on his tummy-especially when he awakens from a deep sleep.  He is eating baby food once a day along with his rice.  So far he has tried Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Squash and Bananas and hasn't found one that he didn't care for.   He didn't love the Avocado I gave him initially but I think it was due to the consistency, not the taste.  We'll try that again sometime. 

He weighed in at almost 19 lbs and 28 inches at his 6 month well visit.  The boy is packing it on and no longer the string bean he was...the baby has some thighs!!! 

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